
Westlake International School Malaysia

About Us

Management Team


The school leadership inspires students, teachers, and staff with their vision, passion, and strong commitment to education excellence. Our leadership is made up of highly experienced and passionate staff. Find out more about those who are leading Westlake International School.


Hew Fen Yee
Hew Fen Yee
Executive Director
Hew Fee Voon
Hew Fee Voon
CEO / Finance Director
May King
May King
Denise Teoh
Denise Teoh
Deputy Director, Marketing, Admissions and Customer Experience

Head of Department

Choong Yao Jin
Choong Yao Jin
Senior Head Of Teaching and Learning
Bachelor of Science (Hons),
University College London, UK
QTS, Institute of Education,
University College London
Livien Khor
Livien Khor
Senior Head Of School Culture
Bachelor of Science
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Master of Science,
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Emeric Hing
Emeric Hing
Senior Head of Career & Character Education
Bachelor of Education (Hons),
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak
Nicolaas Strating
Nicolaas Strating
Head of A level
Master of Science,
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Kong Cheok Thang
Key Stage 4 Coordinator
Leeds Beckett University, UK
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons),
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Surabhe Shandeveloo
Surabhe Shandeveloo
Key Stage 2 Coordinator
Masters of Education in Curriculum & Instruction,
Asia e University
B. Ed (Hons) TESL,
Universiti Industri Selangor
Maxmiliana Fidelis Jani
Key Stage 1 Coordinator
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Postgraduate Diploma in Education,
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Gaya
Jeya Sheela
S.Jeya Sheela Mani
Wellbeing Coordinator (Primary)
Bachelor In Psychology with Honours,
Open University Malaysia
Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching,
Open University Malaysia
Chang Ming Ru
Chang Ming Ru
Head of Mathematics
Bachelor of Science,
University Malaysia Sabah Malaysia
Subhatra Anantha Rao
Subhatra Anantha Rao
Head of Humanities
Bachelor of Arts,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Master of Arts,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Wan Norazlinawati
Head of Malay and Islamic Studies
Bachelor of Technology,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Loh Choy Mun
Loh Choy Mun
Head of Mandarin
Bachelor of Arts,
Jiman University, China
Master of Arts,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Grace Kok
Grace Kok
Humanities Coordinator (Art & Music)
Master of Business Administration,
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Associateship Diploma,
Trinity College London
Samuel Ng
Samuel Ng
Secondary English Coordinator
Bachelor of Education,
SEGi University Kota Damansara
Kelly Yap
Kelly Yap
Primary English Coordinator
Master of Arts,
Leeds Beckett University, UK.
Postgraduate Certificate in Education,
Leeds Beckett University, UK.
Master of Science,
Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.
Leroy Tan
Leroy Tan
Head Of Boarding
Diploma in Hospitality, MAHTEC,
Diploma in Computer Programming, Informatics College
Lim Ai Choo
Head of Human Resource
Bachelor of Arts,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Soo Chee Mun
Soo Chee Mun
Head of Finance
Diploma in Business Studies,
Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
Soon Keat
Soon Keat
Assistant Head of Customer Experience
Bachelor of Arts (Hons),
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Diploma in Mass Communication,
KDU University College
Lucas Liew
Assistant Head of Marketing & Admissions
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons),
Quest International University

Cho Jeong

A Mother of Lee Junwoo


When our family came to Malaysia, our initial plan was to travel the country and visit many international schools before making a decision. Westlake International School was the first school our family visited. And it also ended up being the last. The clean and relaxing environment, simple lifestyle, and the happy, bright smiles of the students captivated us. For some reason we knew that this is the one. And looking back after three and a half years, entrusting both of my children in this school was an absolute fortune. A blessing, perhaps.

Both my children took full advantage of the classes, extracurricular activities and sports provided by the school. And without any help from outside the school, I was able to see massive growth in both of them. Unlike my first son, the younger son couldn’t say a word in English. But after witnessing not just his linguistic abilities, but his studies improving over time, I could tell that the school is definitely doing something right. The school offered many different programmed and competitions when the time was right, and my children took the opportunity. I believe that any student, if he is eager to achieve, the school can provide the stimulus and support they require.

I was astonished by the skill and efforts of the teachers, after my first son finished his IGCSE and A levels without private tuition. I would like to say thank you to the school, for having such great teachers available for the students. For the longest time, my son has been pursuing his dreams in the field of medicine. And thanks to the support from the school, he was able to receive offers from medical schools in England. The fact that his achievement was possible without any external guidance shows that Westlake’s career support is something else.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, I was forced to return to South Korea with my younger child, entrusting my first son in the A level Boarding House. However, I was not nervous or worried in any way, for he was in good hands of the boarding house parent. He was able to take a further leap into becoming an adult, by maturing and growing in a mini society called the boarding house. He experienced friendship, bond between students and teachers and living in a community. These will all be great assets to him as he becomes an independent member of society.

If you are still wondering if this will be the right choice, I say this with confidence. If you have the will to grow and achieve, you will be able to make the most out of what this school provides. Westlake International School is the definition of ‘minimum cost, maximum output’.

David Lho Jinwoong

Lim You Kyoung


How are you? Hello, I am David Lho Jinwoong’s mother.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for providing a place where I can express how I feel about sending David to study in Westlake International School. While David was attending elementary school in Korea, his father's assignment abroad led him to attend an American-style international school in Guangdong, China. I thought a lot about David's school selection. We considered several things in selecting a school; we put safety first, and would choose a school that has a bespoke education system that must be done at that age rather than just studying a standardized curriculum. For example, a school that has an active musical instrument orchestra or athletic team. At that time, David was young, so it seems that he made a choice based on experience.

After 4 years, we finished the work in China and had to go back to Korea. Still, we wanted David to continue to study at an international school under the global educational system because we want him to grow into a person who can freely experience the world and see the world broader than being confined by the Korean entrance exam-oriented education. So we started to search for a country and a school where he can stay and study by himself.

I looked for international schools around the world. I had in mind to look for a school that has a boarding house and where children can study safely and have fun on their own, a school that provides education that maximisers the strengths of children, as well as equips them with skills and passion for college admissions.

There were many colleagues who were dispatched as expatriates to each country around me, so I was able to get information about the leading schools in each country through them.

At that time, my  nephew was attending Westlake International School in Kampar, Malaysia. My sister was very happy with Westlake and excitedly introduced me to it. I came to Malaysia from China to visit Westlake for 3 days and 2 nights. My first impressions of Westlake were friendly and warm.  I think that the education policy set by this school is well managed. I also think that there has been a very high level of educational support as well as the teachers' passion and love for their students. We chose WIS right away without considering any other school, and I was sure that it was the best choice.

I confess that it was God's amazing grace that I chose Westlake. Throughout my trip in Westlake, I was moved and grateful. David had a safe and enjoyable life in the boarding house and appreciated the skills and trust he has developed throughout the A-Level program. He liked all his teachers and enjoyed being with his friendly and warm friends. They were like brothers and sisters.  When I heard about how excited he was when telling me about his school life from time to time, I could not help but feel grateful and shed tears of joy.  In particular, under the Movement Control Order (MCO) situation due to COVID-19, I was so worried about his safety but I was so glad that the school staff has worked to their best to keep the oversea students like David safe
while being away from their parents. I really want to thank Ms. Sandrie, for playing her role as a mother in the boarding house. Thank you, Ms. Anushia who put all her energy in supporting him to move closer to his vision. Thank you, Ms. Ellen, Mr. Chien, Mr. Zunren. And Mr. Hew, the chairman of Westlake International School. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. And above all, I would like to  thank my sister who introduced this school to me and took care of him from the beginning to the end. To my friends,  I often said , “there is a good school called Westlake International School. Our children can dream happily and pursue their dreams there.  If someone is looking for a really good school, I will really introduce Westlake International School without any hesitation.

Mr Lean

Father of Lean Yi Fan


9A*’s in IGCSE 2020, DofE Bronze recipient, currently studying A Level at WIS. Westlake curriculum consists of both indoor and outdoor learning. Over the years, my daughter took part in several outdoor camps. She also had the opportunity to join the Wind Orchestra Westlake, where she played the trumpet. They took part in performances in Ipoh and Pulau Pinang.
As my daughter is now part of the A Level programme, I have come to realize how much assistance the school provides for their students. If a student is willing to work hard, Westlake provides an excellent package to help students achieve more.

Mr Lean

Father of Lean Yi Fan


9A*’s in IGCSE 2020, DofE Bronze recipient, currently studying A Level at WIS. Westlake curriculum consists of both indoor and outdoor learning. Over the years, my daughter took part in several outdoor camps. She also had the opportunity to join the Wind Orchestra Westlake, where she played the trumpet. They took part in performances in Ipoh and Pulau Pinang. As my daughter is now part of the A Level programmed, I have come to realize how much assistance the school provides for their students. If a student is willing to work hard,

Mr Lean

Father of Lean Yi Fan


9A*’s in IGCSE 2020, DofE Bronze recipient, currently studying A Level at WIS. Westlake curriculum consists of both indoor and outdoor learning. Over the years, my daughter took part in several outdoor camps. She also had the opportunity to join the Wind Orchestra Westlake, where she played the trumpet. They took part in performances in Ipoh and Pulau Pinang. As my daughter is now part of the A Level programmed, I have come to realize how much assistance the school provides for their students. If a student is willing to work hard,

Mr Lean

Father of Lean Yi Fan


9A*’s in IGCSE 2020, DofE Bronze recipient, currently studying A Level at WIS. Westlake curriculum consists of both indoor and outdoor learning. Over the years, my daughter took part in several outdoor camps. She also had the opportunity to join the Wind Orchestra Westlake, where she played the trumpet. They took part in performances in Ipoh and Pulau Pinang. As my daughter is now part of the A Level programmed, I have come to realize how much assistance the school provides for their students. If a student is willing to work hard,